KOZAK SIROMAHA is an artist
who sings the Cossacks'
words with his soul.
From the first song, KOZAK SIROMAHA entered the  «TOP 10» songs of Ukrainian ITunes and Spotify. The first solo «Gulyaly» was released in December 2022, the track immediately took its place on the highest steps and remains there to this day.
The artist's clips on YouTube
in the first three months gained
more than 8 million views.
Having conquered listeners with his originality and uniqueness, KOZAK SIROMAHA helps Ukrainians to return to the forgotten Cossack past.
In his lyrics, the singer supports the fighting spirit and faith in the future of every Ukrainian. His work combines history and God's help.
«If the soul is born to be
a Cossack, then sooner or later the genetic code will remind about it,» says Kozak.
In addition to musical success,
interesting life facts:
he has been a Cossack for 15 years already;
KOZAK SIROMAHA has not used a mobile phone for 8 years;
he wakes up every morning before sunrise and begins the day by communicating with Father Almighty;
he brings up three children in accordance with Cossack traditions, calling for honor, dignity and love;
in 2014, he served in the volunteer unit «Sicheslav» during the anti-terrorist operation;
KOZAK SIROMAHA emphasizes that when you are a Cossack at heart, you don't need to wear an embroidered shirt all the time to feel this strength and inspire others.